Why is The Centre for Reproduction & Genetic Health (CRGH) so popular with egg donors?
For same-sex male couples looking to start a family, finding an egg donor is a crucial (and sometimes challenging) part of the process. Some couples are lucky enough to have a “known donor”, which is usually a friend or family member who is happy to donate eggs, but the majority of couples rely on the kindness of “anonymous donors” – that is people who decide to donate their eggs to complete strangers. The demand for donated eggs is higher than ever, and grows every year as more same sex male couples decide to start families of their own. However, the amount of anonymous egg donors coming forward is not growing at the same rate. This means that, for a couple looking to use donated eggs in their fertility treatment, choosing a clinic which has a successful egg donation programme can have a huge impact on the time they need to wait before finding a suitable “match”.
We’re incredibly lucky that so many Egg Donors decide to donate with us at CRGH. But why do donors choose CRGH, and what does that mean for couples seeking treatment with donor eggs?
Our outstanding service and support for donors and recipients
We know that lots of donors choose CRGH because they know that we will provide the absolute best service and support. CRGH has always been relentlessly committed to providing outstanding care and service to everyone that walks through the door of one of our clinics. It’s essential to us that all of our patients (including both donors and recipients) feel cared for at every stage of their journey. For donors, the knowledge that they will receive outstanding care throughout their donation process can be really reassuring. Our dedicated Egg Donation team is there step by step to make sure donors are cared for, while our in-house counsellors are able to provide implications counselling with minimum inconvenience.
Our excellent success rates

Similar to service and support, our consistently fantastic success rates for treatment with donor eggs provides benefits to both donors and recipients. Every donor who comes to CRGH does so because they want their donation to result in a family for the recipient. By deciding to donate with a clinic that has such high success rates, donors know that there’s the best possible chance of a successful outcome. The most recently published HFEA data shows CRGH with a live birth rate of 43% for cycles using donated eggs (frozen embryos) – while the national average is just 34%. For both Donors and Recipients, CRGH is an excellent choice.
There are many reasons why so many donors choose CRGH. By ensuring donors decide to donate with CRGH we know we can ensure that patients in need of donor eggs are matched more quickly, more accurately, and with greater chances of success.
Our great friends at The Modern Family Show have their fantastic annual exhibition coming up this September. We’ve been exhibiting at the Modern Family Show since it started and we love being a part of such a fun and informative day. There’s always such a happy, inclusive, optimistic atmosphere on the day and we love meeting potential patients but also other exhibitors too. Year on year it’s inspiring to see how the “landscape” for LGBTQ+ parenting has progressed. We look forward to this year’s event on the 23rd September and hope to see lots of you there!