What is a Sleep Consultant, and how can they improve your life?
Since working in the Fertility and Family Building space I’ve been introduced to so many incredible professionals that I just wouldn’t have met. Chris McFadden, The Daddy Sleep Consultant is one of them, and a true gem of a find.

Chris is the first qualified male baby and toddler sleep consultant in the UK & Ireland and a Dad of 2 cute boys, Teddy and Rafferty and a third due in November. He specialise in designing gentle sleep training programmes specific to individual families and their lifestyles. He’s also pretty good at it, and a lovely chap too!
Being a new parent, whether it’s first time or third time around, is challenging. It’s the most wonderful thing in the world, but it’s tough. And those first weeks are a complete whirlwind and life is turned upside down. Throw in some serious sleep deprivation and it can feel like survival of the fittest at times. But it does get better, trust me – I’ve been there, done it and got 2 t-shirts and I wouldn’t swap them for ANYTHING in the world.
Here are his 5 steps to helping your baby sleep better.
1. A full baby is a content baby. One thing I always recommend to my clients is to try and make the last feed of the day the biggest. This can sometimes be challenging as your baby becomes more tired but one approach I love to tell my clients is to feed your baby before AND after their bedtime bath.
2. Put your baby down content, but awake. This gives your little one the opportunity to settle themselves to sleep which is critical to them sleeping longer and better at night.
3. Routine is so important for your child in more ways than just sleep. A regular and predictable day and night routine makes your little ones feel safe, secure and can help them thrive. It also allows them to feed off these routine triggers, for example bath comes before bed.
4. A dark room is critical to a child’s sleep. Helping your little one differentiate between sleep and awake time is one of the first steps to a sleeping child. Sometimes it’s a simple case of putting up blackout blinds to help children sleep longer.
5. Focus on day naps. Don’t think that a baby that hasn’t slept during the day will sleep longer at night. The age old phrase ‘sleep breeds sleep’ is true. Babies who have had the right amount of sleep and stimulation in the day will sleep better at night. Sleep-deprived babies often fight sleep and can be more upset and clingy at bedtime.
Check out his website (https://thedaddysleepconsultant.com/) and his instagram account too.
He’s definitely one to watch too, everyone is falling over themselves to work with him – so if you’re interested – get in fast! Oh and if you’re a My Surrogacy Journey IP Member, you will receive exclusive access to his advice and expertise.
Thanks Chris – you’re a marriage saver as well as a complete saviour. If you want to learn more about his charms, check out Chris The Daddy Sleep Consultant!
Much love x