New Clinic Partnership!
Announcing our latest UK Clinic Partnership!

The Agora in Brighton!
We have known of Dr Carole Gilling-Smith CEO and Medical Director at The Agora for over 3 years, as our work has crossed paths many times and we have always kept in touch and looked to find the perfect opportunity for TwoDads UK and The Agora to come together.
What has always impressed us with Carole is her commitment to the the LGBTQ community, her diverse workforce at the Brighton practice and her authentic passion to support everyone on their fertility journey. Our relationship has flourished since The Agora decided to support The Modern Family Show as the ‘Educational Sponsor’ and the important ‘Volunteer Program’ something Carole and us, are very proud of.
Dr Carole Gilling-Smith comments “The Agora is delighted to be working with TwoDads UK as we know they will have a tremendous impact on our mission of empowering all intended parents with the same freedom of reproductive choice, education and support during their surrogacy journey as everyone else in our fertility community.”
The Agora will be working with us over the next 12 months as they develop their Surrogacy programme even further, ensuring that Intended Parents in the Brighton & Hove and wider area have not only have greater options for treatment, but they also have the chance to work with one of the UK’s biggest fertility LGBTQ allies, they even have a specific LGBTQ website and dedicate social channels for LGBTQ patients. Check out @LGBTAgoraFertility on Facebook and Instagram.
We’re looking forward to seeing where this journey takes us all. Welcome on board, The Agora.
Check out their LGBTQ website page too:
#TheAgora #Surrogacy #UKSurrogacy #FertilityTreatment #TwoDads #OneDad #GayDad #IVF #Brighton #GayBrighton #GaySurrogacy