Learning More About Looking After Your Fertility.
For many, the possibility of male infertility seems like a problem purely for other people. At GENNET City Fertility, we know that this isn’t exactly true. More men, and people who are non-binary or transgender but were born male, have issues with their own fertility than many realise and we believe it is our duty to help resolve these issues wherever we can.
We also understand that many will find the notion shameful, but we are here to reassure you that male fertility problems are very common and you are not alone.
Feeling awkward or embarrassed about an issue may prevent people from seeking advice and treatment, but by providing you with more information here on male infertility, its signs and symptoms, and your options for treatment, we aim to help you take the next step to better fertility and better health overall.

The Facts About Male Infertility
Male infertility is a term which refers to a male, or a non-binary or transgender person who was born male’s apparent inability to conceive. Because the issue is not talked about as often as it should be, many people are unaware that it accounts for around 40-50% of fertility problems recorded across the globe. Overall, it is said that 7% of men are affected by infertility and difficulties conceiving, with causes ranging from lifestyle and medical factors to environmental causes outside of their control.
A particularly common factor in whether or not a biologically male patient can conceive is the quality of their semen. This is often used as a measure of a patient’s fertility in medical examinations, though it may be assessed alongside other factors. Having low quality semen is often a symptom of another underlying issue, which may be the root cause of a person’s fertility problems, so it’s always recommended that you seek professional consultation and try a number of different tests to determine a cause.
Signs and Symptoms of Male Infertility
While the most noticeable symptom of infertility is the inability to conceive a child, there may also be others that male, or non-binary or transgender patients who were born male will experience. Many of these will not be that noticeable until further tests and examinations are carried out, and may in fact be a symptom of their own that will eventually lead to the diagnosis of something else.
There is, however, no need to worry over the possibility of missing symptoms. There are also a number of signs that you may notice and can have investigated as soon as possible, including:
- Problems with sexual function (including erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual desire, or difficulty with ejaculation)
- Blood in your semen
- Pain, swelling, or lumps in the testicle area
- A lower than normal sperm count (fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen)
- Decreased facial or body hair, or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality
- Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
- Recurrent respiratory infections
- An inability to smell
We would always strongly recommend speaking with your doctor as soon as possible if you are experiencing problems with sexual function, or if you have noticed pain, swelling, or lumps in your testicles. Having any kind of problem seen to and dealt with as soon as possible has a greater chance of being beneficial to your health, while also ensuring peace of mind.
You should also consult with your doctor or with a specialist if you have a history of testicle, prostate, or sexual problems, or if you have previously had surgery on your groin, testicles, penis, or scrotum.
Male Fertility and the Gay Community
Among certain members of the gay community, there is a common misconception that issues related to fertility will not affect them. This may lead to them taking care of other aspects of their health, including their skin, their hair and facial hair, or ensuring that they exercise regularly to stay in shape, but leaving out checks to ensure that their fertility is not affected.
We believe that it is in the best interests of everyone, whether gay or straight, to keep all the points of their health as best they can. This includes fertility. Whether you are intending to conceive in the future (either via a partner or a surrogate), or even if you simply wish to remain as fit and healthy as possible, you should ensure that you are taking steps to include fertility checks and assessments in your healthcare routine. This especially applies if you feel as though something may not be right.

How Can GENNET City Fertility Help?
We have a range of male assessments and investigations, as well as treatment options, available at our private clinic in London. These are for single patients looking to take better care of their health and assess their fertility just as much as they are for couples looking to expand their families. Each of the options we have will be discussed with you in depth when you first come to us for a free consultation, and decide to take the first step on your own particular journey with us.
To ensure you’re kept fully informed and feel comfortable discussing each of our assessments with our specialists, we have also provided some starting information on each here:
Male Fertility Assessments
The Male Fertility Assessment we offer is a relatively straightforward procedure, beginning with a semen assessment to test your sperm count, motility (the way the sperm moves) and morphology (the way the sperm looks). You’ll be required to abstain from intercourse, or from any other form of ejaculation, for 2-4 days prior to your appointment.
Any sample we take for your assessment will be produced via masturbation in the privacy of one of our rooms at the clinic. The results of the test will help us to predict a patient’s chances of conceiving naturally, and give an indication of any underlying issues which may be causing issues with fertility.
Once this has been done, we will inform you of the results via email or over the phone, with one of our Fertility Specialists taking the time needed to explain what they mean for you. After this, they will be able to offer advice on lifestyle changes which may have an impact on your fertility and chances of conceiving.
GENNET City Fertility’s Comprehensive Male Fertility Package
If you would prefer a faster, more comprehensive package session, then you may wish to ask about booking a Comprehensive Male Fertility Package. These are run once per week by Mr Raheem, our Head Urologist and Andrologist, and will see your tests carried out and the results explained in a shorter period of time ‒ one quick but professional semen analysis, and one 30 to 45-minute consultation booked for a later date.
This package also offers a precautionary scan to rule out the possibility of testis cancer, time in consultation to discuss lifestyle changes, and any treatments deemed necessary after the test results have been read and explained.

Other Male Screenings and Investigations
Alongside our Male Fertility Assessment and our Comprehensive Male Fertility Package, we can also offer patients a range of other Screenings and Investigations that help to determine fertility and may offer diagnoses of other problems:
- Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test
- Post Orgasmic Urine Analysis
- Male Reproductive Hormonal Profile
- Male Reproductive Genetic Profile
- Male Gential Tract Imaging
Couples’ Initial Consultation Package
If you are coming to our clinic with your spouse or partner in order to find the perfect route to forming your family, or even just to assess your fertility before you begin trying, the Couples’ Initial Consultation Package will offer everything you need. We’ve put this package together to offer the basic investigations that any couple will need in order to proceed with fertility treatment at most clinics.
For heterosexual couples looking to have this package carried out, this will mean:
- The female partner attending our clinic for an Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) blood test (which predicts ovarian reserve) and Complete Fertility Scan with an Antral Follicle Count
- The male partner attending our clinic for a Semen Assessment (our Male Fertility Assessment)
- Spending time in consultation with a Fertility Specialist, who will review each partner’s medical history and discuss the results of your test with you
GENNET City Fertility is also proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community, and we believe that everyone should be allowed the chance to form the loving family they’ve always wanted. As such, we have also made sure that this package is available to same-sex couples looking into their fertility, either for health reasons or to ensure that they are ready to move forward and begin the next necessary steps in their fertility treatment.
In the case of a same-sex couple looking to have a package carried out, both partners will be invited to our clinic for an AMH blood test and ultrasound scan or a semen assessment each. These will then be followed by the same amount of time spent in consultation with a Fertility Specialist to discuss medical histories and the results of the test.
For all couples attending this package session, there will also be an opportunity to discuss potential lifestyle changes that may have an impact on the chances of conceiving.
Booking a Free Mini Consultation with Us
We understand that you may wish to get a feel for our clinic before deciding whether or not we are the right choice for you. This is why we will be glad to offer every patient that comes to us a free, 30-minute mini consultation, consisting of a tour of our clinic, an initial assessment, and a meeting with a discreet and understanding specialist about your medical and fertility history.
Our friendly team will be able to point you in the right direction of any treatments or tests you may need, each of which we’ll make sure has been tailored to suit you as an individual patient. Contact us if you’d like to get started right away and we’ll be ready to welcome you for health and fertility checks to fit your needs in no time at all.

One Comment
Dr Chandana
Infertility in men is typically brought on by issues with spermatogenesis. This may be brought on by hormonal issues, poor testicular function, or obstructions in the male urogenital tract. Primary care should start the examination of infertility by spotting the issue before it gets out of hand and making the proper referrals.