Live on Instagram; 27th August – 8pm

Gents – how fertile are you?
Seems a straightforward question, yet most men have never had their fertility checked.
We want to get more Men (straight and gay) talking about their own Fertility, not only to support others to raise more awareness of the steps to improve Fertility for men, but to show men it’s OK to talk about Sperm!
Over the next couple of months we are going to working on a number of exciting Social projects with partners of ours from the industry and we can’t wait to share these with you all.
So, what are you doing on the 27th August at 8pm? Come and join us over our Instagram as we chat to Dr Lucy Richardson from Herts and Essex Fertility Centre as we chat about Sperm, and all the various ways clinics work with yours (or your partners).
We want to put your questions across to Lucy which you can ask anonymously or publicly – we just hope you join us.
What’s important is that we all improve our understanding and we all feel supported.
Save the date, 27th August – 8pm – IGLive.
#InstagramLive #Sperm #maleFertility #MaleFactorInfertility #TwoDads #HertsandEssexFertilityCentre #ICSI #IVF